When people visit Lynchburg, one of the first mysteries to them is how such a concentration of historic homes of such size, variety and age end up in this mid-sized city.

Lynchburg was founded in 1786 but didn’t see its full industrial glory until the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, when the tobacco, railway and shoe manufacturing industries exploded in our downtown core. Around 1900, Lynchburg became one of the wealthiest cities in the nation per capita, something few other cities — large or small, can boast. This designation resulted in development of commercial buildings and factories, but also the development of many more elaborate homes that surround downtown and continue throughout Rivermont Avenue.

All styles from Greek Revival, to Queen Anne to Italianate can be seen in close proximity to one another in any of Lynchburg's Historic districts: Diamond Hill, Federal Hill, Daniels Hill, Court House Hill, Garland Hill and Rivermont Ave. Each of these neighborhoods has unique characteristics related to the magnates of industry who originally had them erected.

Take a walk through one of these neighborhoods and you will start to fully understand the true history and soul of the city that I hope you will call home.